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Skapa en add-on (varuanpassning) i Trivec
Skapa en add-on (varuanpassning) i Trivec
My Massin avatar
Skrivet av My Massin
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  1. Open BackOffice → Kassa → Produkter

  2. Choose Addons to open up the existing Addons

To create a new addon page press add:

  • Go ahead and choose your Heading for the add-on (Name). This will be visible for the guest. For instance, "Choose you protein", "Choose between:", "Add to your pizza", "How many Cl would you like"

Under Info, please write Karma (if you are running from a HQ, please write “Karma - “name of the Venue”, “Karma - Central”) to be able to search for the items that are visible/used in Karma.

Multival ticked -

if the box is ticked, you allow for the guest to choose between the options given where guest can choose zero or multiple items. If left unticked, the add-on becomes a mandatory/compulsory option between the alternatives visible where guest have to select one option provided.

This is what it looks like in Karma: Multival ticked, great option to let the guest add ingredients to a burger for instance, the options are not mandatory and guest can choose 0 or more.

See example below when Multival is ticked:
Karma Addons and K.Ändra/lägg till burgare are both names given to the add-on page in Trivec:

This is how this option is visualized in Karma:

Multival unticked:

Great option where you want to force guest to make a choice, could be when you need the guest to pick a flavor, or pick between something that is included in a meal for instance. This setting forces the guest to make one choice in order to proceed.

"Hur många glas önskar du?" is the name given to the add-on page in Trivec/Domino:

This option will be visualized this way in Karma:

NOTE: Since this is a mandatory option, guest will have to choose one of the addons to be able to proceed hence why the option of "Jag har glas, Tack!" is given in case guest doesn't want any glasses.

Last thing we need to do before we can go ahead and save the add-on page is to click “InApp”. This way Karma knows its a setting for Karma and not for the till (Kassa).

Click ok, your addons page has now been created.

Find the newly created Add-on page from the list on the lefthand side and press designer. A clear grid will be shown and please go ahead and select items from the product folder and drag and drop them into the grid.

NOTE: An item can only appear ONCE per addon-page.

Karma does not support the option of having the same item in multiple pages, so for the cases where you'd like to have same option in multiple addon-pages you will have to copy the product which will give the duplicated item its own unique product number.

Two items can share NAME but will always have different Product numbers. Karma import unique product numbers.

When the item has been copied, the new item will have a unique product number and can then be placed in another add-on page. Follow the same step if you have more pages that you wish to contain same named items.

Items in add ons can be for free, 0kr items (”gratisOK” has to be clicked in the items properties) as well as have a x kr price

Allocate an add-on to an item

Once you are happy with your add-on page, please go to the product folder and find the item which you intend allocate an add-on to and click on edit:

Click on the Addons tab, and on Add:

Please go ahead and select

  • “Plats”. The number will be the selected order shown in karma should you choose to add multiple addons

  • Addon, type in the search-bar or scroll down and find the selected add ons-page you created in no 6.

***Ensure "inCash" in unticked, otherwise this option will be shown to the staff in the till.***

Press ok - you have sucessfully added an addon-option to an item for Karma.

You can now go ahead and add the same addon-option to other items or add on more addon-options to the same item.

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