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Build Trivec Menu / Skapa en meny i Trivec
Build Trivec Menu / Skapa en meny i Trivec

Use this guide to build or edit your Karma menu in Trivec Domino

My Massin avatar
Skrivet av My Massin
Uppdaterad för mer än en vecka sedan
  1. Open Domino / Öppna Domino

2. Enter code, login and access “Backoffice” and click on “Kassa” / Knappa in er personliga kod, logga in och gå till "Backoffice"

3. Next step is to create your menu groups that will show in Karma. To do so you need to create new blank/empty pages:

a. Go to “Sida” (page)

b. Click on the “add”-symbol

c. Name the page (sida) with the preferred name of your menu-group. This name will be shown in Karma as a heading, see example below.

When choosing name, try to be as intuitive as you can to allow for an optimal and effectiv guest journey. For instance, try to divide the groups to contain the minimal amount of items such as:

  • “Bottled beer” as opposed to simply “Beer”

  • “White wine by the glas” and/or "Wine by the bottle", “Sparkling wines” as opposed to simply “Wine”

  • “Starters”, “Mains” and “Dessert” as opposed to simply “Food”.

A good rule of thumb is to never have more than 10-12 items per menu-group.

See an example from Karma:

  • SidNr → Number to arrange position of the Pages in Karma. Lowest number of the menugroup assigned to Karma (inApp+Mobile) will appear at the top followed by the next and so on

  • Info → Karma (helps you to sort between pages assigned to Karma and the ones used in the till (kassa))

IMPORTANT In order for Karma to be able to download the information (page), the “InApp” and “Mobile” boxes have to be ticked.

d. Press Ok.

4. Your newly created page will now appear in the list of pages and will be allocated depending on “Sidnr” choosen in 2 c.

Press “Designer” to open up the Item grid.

5. By either searching in the field at the top, or by selecting the preferred “product group”, find a current item used already in your till to avoid multiple identical items (use the same “product number”). Drag n drop into the grid, fill until satisfied.

NOTE: An item can only appear ONCE in the menu.

If you wish to have an identical (by name) items in multiple pages, for instance "Coca-cola" to appear in pages created such as, "Non-alcoholc beverages" and "Sodas" you will have to copy the product to give the second item a unique product number, this allows for you to use an identical name as another item. This second item can then be places in another "sida" (menugroup).

Last page to create is to boost upselling, click on the guide below to find out more:


Once all the pages have been created, its time to look at


When the menu is complete you can go ahead and

sync the menu in to Karma

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