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Checklist before you get started
Checklist before you get started
Lukas Strandberg avatar
Written by Lukas Strandberg
Updated over a week ago

Exciting to see you getting started with Karma Serve!

Below, we summarize some things that are good to double-check before you get started.

Review the menu:

  1. Are all the items you want to sell visible? - How to hide/show an item from the menu

  2. Have you added all the item customizations you want? - How to add customizations to an item

Review how you explain Karma Serve to the guest:

  1. A summary of Karma Serve - How the customer orders, tips, and pays

  2. How to easily explain Karma Serve to the guest - How to explain ordering and payment using QR codes to the guests

Manage orders:

  1. Manage orders - How to handle orders

  2. Process refunds - How do I refund the guest?

Time to start receiving orders! - How to start your sales

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